CAS002- Bilingual Counseling w/ Dr. Clarrice
Airdate 1/12/2006
Editor:Dr. Marty Jencius is an Assistant Professor at Kent State. His scholarly interest includes international aspects of counseling and counselor training. That interest has provided him multiple trips to Turkey, The Bahamas and Singapore. His other interests include multicultural counseling training and the use of technology in counseling. He is founder and list manager for CESNET-L a professional listserv for counselor educators and GlobalCounsellor a listserv for international collaboration in counseling and counseling research. He is co-founding editor of The Journal of Technology in Counseling, a web-based, peer reviewed journal and creator and Editor of CounselorAudioSource.Net a weekly podcast for counselors and counselor educators . He is on the editorial boards of The International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling and the Counselor Education and Supervision Journal. Email him at
Guest:Clarrice Rapisarda is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling at the University of North Carolina - Charlotte. Clarrice achieved her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from the Counseling and Human Development Services program at Kent State University. Clarrice is currently a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Supervisor in the state of Ohio and is pursuing counseling licensure in the state of North Carolina. Email her at
Selected readings on bilingual counseling and counseling using translators:
Lopez, E. C. (2000). Conducting instructional consultation through interpreters. School Psychology Review, 29, 378-388.
Marcos, L. R. (1976). Bilinguals in psychotherapy: Language as an emotional barrier. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 30, 552-561.
Marcos, L. R., & Urcuyo, L. (1979). Dynamic psychotherapy with the bilingual patient. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 33, 331-339.
Plata, M. (1993). Using Spanish-speaking interpreters in special education [Electronic version]. Remedial & Special Education, 14, 19-26.
Rivera, A. L. S., & Altarriba, J. (2002). The role of language in therapy with the Spanish-English bilingual client. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33, 30-38.
Music used in this podcast:
Jaime Beauchamp - "Memorial Day" obtained from the Podsafe Music Network - Link to musicThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.